Thursday, February 5

I'm going to miss her

Sunny's stories are moving to and I'll be removing this post on designerpi within the next month.

Tuesday, February 3

I won an award!

I just started designing wedding invitations in March of '08 and I've just recently won an award!!! I'm so excited and if there happens to be any brides that voted for me reading this, THANK YOU for voting for me! I was one of 17 wedding invitation designers in Minneapolis to receive it. It was through Wedding Wire, which is affiliated with Martha Stewart.

2009 Bride's Choice Awards presented by WeddingWire | Wedding Cakes, Wedding Venues, Wedding Photographers & More

I know my blogging has been lacking, but it's only because I've been so busy with invitation orders. So it's a good thing that I have more business than I would've imagined when I started this endeavor. Anyway, I should get back to work, just wanted to share the news!